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Jessica's Profile

About Me

Hey there, my name is Jessica! I'm an aspiring code polyglot, mentor, technology advocate, and I'm a proud trans-woman.

If it bleeps, blips, bloops, does computations, runs software, or just basically mind boggles most people, then I'm probably into it. I spend a lot of time self-educating and helping others grow in the tech space. My journey started when I hit my teenage years, and I found an obsession in computers, consoles, and electronics. I found myself ripping apart every piece of technology I had trying to figure out how it worked, what might be causing issues, or just to try and upgrade it to something better.

I'm also an avid musician and game geek. I play guitar, drums, and bass. I'm an aspiring Game Designer working with Unity. I've been known to dabble in Photoshop, ZBrush, and Maya as well. My overall goal is to bring back the old values of game design and to bring world-class entertainment to people around the globe.

Summary of Qualifications

Experience with:

  • JavaScript, Node, Express, APIs, Web Apps, Godot, Unity, C#, Slack, Python, Heroku, ngrok
  • Working with partner developers and internal teams to report, track, and investigate bugs and feature requests.
  • Troubleshooting automation solutions across thousands of app integrations at Zapier.
  • Training and mentoring new team members in web-apps and APIs. Highly passionate about supporting and educating new team members, users, and developers.
  • Diverse, fast-paced, and collaborative technical roles.
  • Self-motivated, self-educated, avid learner of new topics and skills.
  • Experience with Windows, Mac, Android, & iOS